Most of the store owners think they are not getting sales through their online store. They have a very high bounce rate. What is the reason for that? How can we reduce the bounce rate and keep the visitors on our website without any high investment? Here are the 5 Steps To Reduce Bounce Rate & Increase Sales In Magento2.
1. Enable Gender Option
On registration and edit profile pages you can ask customers about their gender. When you have this information about a customer you will be able to suggest more relevant products while he is visiting the website. This will engage visitors and your bounce rate may drop and would be converted into the transaction.
This is the default feature of Magento 2. You can enable this option from the Magento backend. You will find this option under the customer’s store configuration at Store > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Show Gender. This can either be required or optional, it completely depends on you. Once this option is enabled from the backend you will find this option on the customer registration page and profile edit page. If you wish to keep your registration process easy with the least inputs but in the profile, you wish to ask customers for their gender. Here you may need your developer for this customization.
2. Enable Date Of Birth
Again one of the most important options is related to customers. This option will help you to find customers of age groups. You can plan age group-centric business strategies. For example, you can offer a special discount on customers’ birthdays. If a customer has crossed the age of 50 you can move those customers into a special group and make them eligible for a special discount and offer whatever you plan. But this feature may play an important role in your e-commerce sale.
You will find this option under the customer’s store configuration at Store > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Show Date of Birth. This can either be optional or required.

3. Enable Prefix & Suffix
This option is not that important but if there is something then it’s on us how we can utilize the features in a good way. Prefixes are honorifics that you add before the name. In a crisis such as Corona, when the Dr, Police Officers, and several other people are risking their lives for us. This option can help us identify them. By enabling some special discount on your store you can show your respect for them.
Yes for sure, this needs some better planning and may need help from developers. Maybe you won’t get high sales in your store but such steps make you different from others.
4. Real-Time Customer Support
As a store owner, you need to be available for quick and real-time support to customers. Especially for startups who are willing to grow, you need to keep in mind if someone is in your store then make sure he gets what he is looking for. Yet you will have a Contact-us page on the website but quick and real-time support will raise trust in your products.
You need to pick a system that is easy for you to communicate through mobile phones. One of the easy, popular, and free chat systems is Facebook Messenger. Lightweight, popular, easy to put in place and you can easily reply to your customers from anywhere.
5. One To One Interaction Through Product Video
One-to-one interaction impacts the most on the human mind most. What we see, and what we feel can not be expressed in words. These days, we have seen a huge jump in video marketing, the very simple reason is one-to-one interaction. Generally, we keep the video length from 5 to 30 seconds. During this duration, we need to explain our product or service intelligibly.
Magento 2 understands the current trends and endlessly improves its features. Without any storage consumption, Magento2 offers you to add Youtube videos. You need to add your video on Youtube and embed to the product. Magento enables you to add Youtube configuration in the store configuration section. You will find this option under the customer’s store configuration at Store > Configuration > Catalog > Product Video.
It is required to monitor the performance of your store along with the implementation of the enhancements. With these 5 steps, you may have positive improvement in your Magento 2 store.
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